


Get Collection. Get a collection by ID. Unlike the Admin/Store endpoints, this can generate category's dimension id and expand child categories. Takes X-CCAgentContext header which is a JSON object with 'shopperProfileId' as a property. If 'shopperProfileId' is not provided, it is considered as an anonymous profile.Additonally takes x-ccsite header to return the data specific to the site. If 'rootCategory' is passed as a category id, actual root category of the catalog is picked up and considered. This endpoint also returns dynamic properties of a collection if exists.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • ID of catalog. If a catalogId is not passed, the catalog associated with the shopperProfileId passed in the X-CCAgentContext header is used. If no shopperProfileId is passed in the header, default catalog associated with the site is used.
  • Depth of search, either 'max' or 'min'.
  • False indicates category details are not returned if there are no active products under the category. True indicates category details are returned irrespective of the active products availability.
  • If set to childCategories, then child categories will be expanded to include details, if there are any active products under it. disableActiveProdCheck can be set to true in case the category details are needed irrespective of active products are available.
  • Maximum level of depth for child categories.
  • If set to selectedCategoryDetails, then the details of the requested category and its dimension ID are returned.
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
Body ()
Root Schema : getCollection_response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ancestorCategories
Type: array
Array of category objects.
Show Source
Nested Schema : catalogsInfo
Type: array
Array of associated catalog objects sorted by catalogId. With default configuration, only top 20 catalogs are returned.
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Nested Schema : categoryImages
Type: array
Array of category images.
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Nested Schema : categoryPaths
Type: array
Array of category paths.
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Nested Schema : childCategories
Type: array
Array of category objects.
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Nested Schema : childProducts
Type: array
Array of child products. Note, if the catalogId is a filtered view catalog then this will only include the products in that filtered view catalog unless the includeBaseCatalogProducts param is true.
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Nested Schema : fixedChildCategories
Type: array
Array of category objects.
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Nested Schema : fixedParentCategories
Type: array
Array of category objects.
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Nested Schema : keywords
Type: array
Array of keywords.
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Nested Schema : multiCatalogCategoryIdPaths
Type: array
An array of category ids in the path prepended with catalog id
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Nested Schema : multiCatalogCategoryPaths
Type: array
An array of category paths prepended with catalog name
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Nested Schema : parentCategory
Type: object
Default parent category of the category.
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Nested Schema : seoMetaInfo
Type: object
Seo meta info for category.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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Nested Schema : metadata
Type: object
Seo meta info for category.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)
    "longDescription":"Commerce Cloud Root Category",
    "displayName":"Storefront Navigation",
            "displayName":"Movie Store Root",
            "displayName":"Video Game Store Root Category",
            "displayName":"Cloud Lake Outdoor temporary cat",
            "displayName":"Clearance Movies",
            "displayName":"Cameras and Camcorders",
            "name":"Cameras and Camcorders",
            "displayName":"All Products",
            "displayName":"Movie Store Root",
                            "displayName":"Psychological Thrillers",
                            "displayName":"Fan Favorites",
                            "displayName":"Video Game Adaptations",
                            "displayName":"Award Winners",
                            "displayName":"TV Drama",
                            "displayName":"TV Comedy",
                            "displayName":"Romantic Comedies",
                    "displayName":"Seasonal Sale",
            "displayName":"Video Game Store Root Category",
                            "displayName":"A / V",
                            "displayName":"XBOX 360",
                    "displayName":"On Sale",
                            "displayName":"Video Games",
            "displayName":"Clearance Movies",
                            "displayName":"Fan Favorites-Clearance",
            "displayName":"Cameras and Camcorders",
            "displayName":"All Products",
    "name":"Root Category",

Default Response

The error response
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModel
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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