Delete media for a product



Remove a media file for a product content post in a space.

The API user must be a member of the space and have created (own) the product content post.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

product resource deleted

403 Response

not product creator

404 Response

product resource not found
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Sample Request:

       DELETE swm/rs/v1/spaces/kvIwE2lsFHkAXUPMAWgalAZv/products/700007/media/UL1zNt9iU7tCCde5MfgA1BOM    

Sample Response:

       {"response":{"code":"200.2","developerMessage":"media resource deleted" },

Possible Error Codes:

          "code":"403.2","developerMessage":"not content creator",
          "code":"404.0","developerMessage":"media resource not found"
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