Configure the Chase Paymentech integration

The Chase Paymentech integration lets your store accept credit cards.

To use the integration, you must have a Chase Paymentech merchant account.

The integration allows Commerce to send payment card details from a shopper’s browser to an Oracle server, which then sends the card details to Chase Paymentech, where the specified transaction (authorization, void, or refund) is performed. No credit card data is ever stored on Oracle servers. The Chase Paymentech response contains an authorization code and transaction reference number, which are stored in a property of the associated order on Oracle servers.

The gateway does not support tokenization via the Orbital Customer Profile Management. Therefore, a shopper who provided credit card details when submitting an order must provide the details again for subsequent transactions, such as obtaining a refund.

Note: Commerce uses HMAC-SHA256 to generate the request signature and validate the response signature for requests and responses sent as part of the payment gateway integrations. For more information, see Secure Your Service.

The gateway does not support Address Verification Service (AVS), so to make sure cards are not automatically declined you must do one of the following on your Orbital Virtual Terminal:

  • Turn off mandatory AVS checking.
  • Configure your Merchant Selectable Response (MSR) settings to handle the AVS response codes so that a card is not automatically declined for “information not available” or “AVS not supported” codes. For more information about the response codes, see AVS Response Codes on the Chase Paymentech Support Center.

Configure Chase Paymentech credit card settings

To configure the Chase Paymentech Credit Cards gateway settings, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Settings icon then select Payment Processing.
  2. On the Payment Gateways tab, under Payment Gateways, select Chase Paymentech Credit Cards.
  3. Click Payment Gateway Enabled.
  4. Select the environment to work in.

    Preview: Your store’s preview environment

    Agent: The Commerce Agent Console

    Storefront: Your production storefront

  5. Enter your Chase Paymentech account information.
  6. Click Save.

Chase Paymentech Account Information

These properties identify your Chase Paymentech account. All properties are required.

Property Description
Username Login name for your Chase Paymentech account.
Merchant ID Gateway merchant account number for your Chase Paymentech account.
Merchant Secret Key The secret key associated with your Merchant ID. The secret key signs the transaction data and is required for each transaction.

Specifies where transactions occur:

Sandbox: (default) Transactions occur on the Chase Paymentech Sandbox, a virtual testing environment.

Production: Transactions occur on the live Chase Paymentech production environment.