Create cloned layouts

As you create your layouts to support different types of shoppers, remember that Oracle recommends that you avoid modifying the out-of-the-box page layouts.

This section applies to Storefront Classic only. This section applies to Storefront Classic only.

Instead, create clones of those layouts and modify them. As you modify your page layouts, keep in mind the following questions for each type of shopper your storefront supports:

  • Which types of shopper should be able to view the layout? For example, do you need one version of a layout for anonymous shoppers and a second version for account-based shoppers?
  • Does the layout contain content that is inappropriate for a given type of shopper? For example, if your storefront requires a shopper to log in before being able to see the catalog or search for items and add them to the cart, then you should consider a layout for anonymous shoppers that removes access on the Home page to catalog, search, and cart information.