Edit wish list widget content

Wish list widgets let shoppers create and manage wish lists.

Not OSF This section does not apply to Open Storefront Framework (OSF).

This section describes how to work with storefront classic widgets. To learn how to configure wish lists with Open Storefront Framework (OSF), see Configure wish lists for OSF applications.

You can edit any of the following wish list widgets on the Design page in the administration interface:

  • Wish List Content
  • Wish List Header
  • Wish List Notification Settings
  • Wish List Settings
  • Wish List Welcome
  • Shopper Profile Wish List

The Wish List Welcome widget is useful as it controls content that introduces wish lists to your shoppers in a way that fits your brand and voice, and encourages customers to create wish lists. This brand information page is shown to shoppers prior to login. Once logged in, shoppers see their main wish list page.

The following layouts are affected by edits to the wish list widgets:

  • For the Product Layout, use the Product Details widget, and Add to Wish List Button element for placement of the button.
  • For the Wish List Layout, use the Wish List Welcome widget to include branding and other site-specific text. Other widgets that affect the Wish List Layout include the Wish List Invitation, Wish List Welcome, and Wish List Content widgets.

See Customize layout components for details about editing widgets.

Configure Facebook announcements

In a Storefront Classic application, you can make changes to the content of the announcements your shoppers send to Facebook by editing the associated text snippets. This section describes how to edit the text snippets in the administration interface.

To view the editable text snippets:

  1. On the Design page, click the Developer tab.
  2. On the Text Snippets tab, select Social from the drop-down list.

You can change the values for the following keys by clicking the value and editing the new value field:

  • socialFacebookInviteMessageText
  • socialFacebookShareProductDescriptionText
  • socialFacebookShareWishlistDescriptionText
  • socialFacebookShareWishlistTitleText

The default text snippets are translated for all supported languages. If you make changes to the default text snippets, you must manually translate them into different languages your store supports. See Customize your web store's text for more information.