Understand the purchase limit for order approvals

The purchase limit sets a value.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

Orders that exceed this value require approval. If a purchase limit is not defined, no orders require approval. If a purchase limit is set to 0, all orders require approval. There is one purchase limit for the entire account and it applies to all contacts in the account, regardless of role (buyer, approver, or administrator). The currency for the purchase limit value is determined by the price list group associated with the account’s contract. In other words, if an account’s contract is associated with a price list group that uses Euros, then the purchase limit is also in Euros.

If an account has multiple contracts, you must select a site when setting a purchase limit. The purchase limit applies to any orders submitted by buyers on the associated site.

Note: Display of a contact’s purchase limit is not included in the out-of-the-box widgets, however, you can write custom widget code to display this information. See Display a contact’s purchase limit in a widget for more information.