View the media library

Click the Media icon to see all the files in your media library displayed in a grid.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

Media files are initially sorted by name, though you can also sort them by size or last-modified date. You can also display them in a list.

The media library stores files in the following folders:

  • Products - contains media files assigned to and available to products.
  • Collections - contains media files assigned to and available to collections.
  • General contains media files you can access when you configure the design elements for your store. See Design Your Store Layout for more information.

Click Products, Collections, or General to view and access just that folder’s media files and to upload the selected types of files. Click All Media to view and access all files in your media library. You cannot move media files from one folder to another.

Click an image to display details for that file, including name, path, size, file type, and the date and time it was last modified.

There is a unique URL for each published item in your media library, providing a direct link that lets you open the item in a browser. Format the URL as follows:


  • <> is the URL Oracle provides to access your store.
  • <path> is the value of the Path field, which you can see when you click the image on the Media page.

For example, suppose the file oled4kwarranty.pdf contains a warranty for a TV sold on your store The file is stored in the General folder. Use the following URL to access the PDF: