Work with registration requests to review, change status, approve, and reject requests

When you have enabled Account-based Shoppers in the Shopping Settings areas and are able to view the registration requests, you can see these requests in the Registration Requests area of the Accounts page.

The following provides an example of the change/approval/rejection process that occurs with a new registration request.

When a new account request is received, the request enters the system with a status of New until you either change the status of the request and save it, or you open the request without changing it.

If you save changes that do not include a status change:

  1. An error occurs and the detail view is kept open.
  2. If the save is successful and the status is New, the status is then changed to Review. If there is an exception with provided addresses, then there may have to be some editing done in another dialog. Finally, close the detail view and return to the list view.

If you save changes that include a status change:

  1. If there are changes other than the status change, save them.
  2. If an error occurs, you see an error message but the detail view is kept open.
  3. If the save is successful, you can move on to making the status change

If you make a status change of Review or More Info Needed

  1. Change the status.
  2. Close the detail view and return to the request list view.

If you choose Accept from the status dropdown list while making a status change:

  1. You are given the option to provide comments that are added to the acceptance email sent to the shopper who made the request. The comments are limited to 1000 characters.
  2. You are requested to Click Accept to Create this as a New Account. To edit the account after accepting it, select the account in the Accounts List.
  3. If you chose Accept on the confirmation dialog, you are shown a confirmation dialog while making changes. Be sure to check the uniqueness of the account name. If it is a duplicate, you receive an error message that the account name already exists and that you should choose another one. You are also returned to the list view. Assuming the account name is unique, add the account to the Accounts UI. The contact is now an active contact on the account.
  4. Close the detail view and return to the list view.
  5. Remove the registration request from the list view. The account and contact are both inactive at this point. If the contact is already an active contact, that person remains active.
  6. An approval email is sent to the shopper who submitted the registration request. If you click Cancel on the confirmation dialog, you are returned to the detail view.

If you chose Reject from the status dropdown:

  1. You are given the option to provide comments optional comments that are added to the rejection email sent to the shopper who made the request. The comments are limited to 1000 characters.
  2. You are requested to Click Reject to Reject the Registration Request. Once this request is rejected, it can no longer be edited or accepted.

If you click Reject on the confirmation dialog:

  1. Change the status to Rejected.
  2. Close the detail view and return to the list view.
  3. The rejected registration request appears in the list.
  4. All fields in the registration request become read-only. In the details view, all of the tabs besides the Request tab are grayed out.
  5. A rejection email is sent to the shopper who submitted the registration request.
  6. Clean up the entry after it is rejected. When a registration request is rejected, you can hard delete the pending contact and organization. Do not delete the contact if it is an existing contact.
  7. The email address (username) of the contact is now free for re-use for a new account-based or regular (anonymous) contact.