Set agent framework version

You can change the version of the agent libraries used in your framework.

When the agent library version is updated, you have two different versions available to you. You can use the current version, which is the updated and newest version, or you can use the latest version, which is the version you had previous to the update.

To display any changes to the libraries in the agent's administration interface, set the OptimizationOptions_production.loadModuleInParellel component in the index.js file to true. Note that the agent console does not support loading libraries form an external system.

Identify the agent libraries version

To see which version of the agent libraries is current, issue a GET command to the agentVersion endpoint. For example:
GET  /ccadmin/v1/jsframeworkadmin/agentVersion
This will display a response similar to the following:
  "success": true,
  "previousAgentVersion": "",
  "agentVersion": "19.5.6-SNAPSHOT",
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "http://localhost:9080/ccadmin/v1/jsframeworkadmin/agentVersion"
  "currentAgentVersion": "19.5.4-SNAPSHOT"

Upgrade the agent libraries version

If you want to upgrade the libraries that your framework is using, issue a POST command using the upgradeAgentVersion endpoint. For example:
POST  /ccadmin/v1/jsframeworkadmin/upgradeAgentVersion
This returns a response similar to this, showing the previous version and the new current version:
  "success": true,
  "previousAgentVersion": "19.5.4-SNAPSHOT",
  "agentVersion": "19.5.6-SNAPSHOT",
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "http://localhost:9080/ccadmin/v1/jsframeworkadmin/upgradeAgentVersion"
  "currentAgentVersion": "19.5.6-SNAPSHOT"

Rollback the agent libraries version

If you want to roll the library versions back to the previous version, you must issue a POST command to the rollbackAgentVersion endpoint. For example:
POST  /ccadmin/v1/jsframeworkadmin/rollbackAgentVersion
This returns a response similar to the following:
  "success": true,
  "previousAgentVersion": "",
  "agentVersion": "19.5.6-SNAPSHOT",
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "http://localhost:9080/ccadmin/v1/jsframeworkadmin/rollbackAgentVersion"
  "currentAgentVersion": "19.5.4-SNAPSHOT"