Understand account buyers

You can search for a buyer as you would any other shopper contact, or you can search for the specific account itself.

If an account buyer you select is associated with multiple accounts, you can see the associated accounts in the Customer Results table by hovering over the Account field for the buyer. A list of accounts appears.

On the Customer Search page, use the Account field to search for the account name. The Customer Results table displays all buyers associated with the account. You can then select the buyer by clicking the link in the Profile column.

Note: When using the typeahead feature to search for account names, only 10 accounts are displayed in the drop-down. To display more than 10 accounts, provide more detailed criteria for the search.

  • In the Cart column, the Select Cart link is displayed if there is more than one active account or active site for this buyer. Clicking Select Cart displays a dialog from which you can select the account and site for which the order is to be placed. Clicking the New link opens a fresh order.
  • If you want to change the account from the Create Order page, at the top of the page use the Site and Account menus. All sites and accounts associated with this buyer are provided in the menu lists.
  • On the Order History page, all past orders are displayed. This list can be filtered based on account, site, order, and/or order state. Note that the Order History page does not display orders for inactive contacts.
  • On a dedicated account admin profile page, on the Account Contacts tab, the manage contacts table shows all buyers associated with an account. Change the account name from the menu to view buyers for those accounts.

To display this tab, the buyer must be delegated as an account admin.

  • A dedicated account admin can remove a buyer from an account or make him or her inactive. A buyer who is inactive on one account may still be active on other associated business account. Inclusion on other accounts remains intact even when the buyer is removed from one account.
  • The Require Approval checkbox and the Set Purchase Limit field values are applicable for the account selected on the Customer Profile details page. Each account can have its own values for these settings.

Note: If you have a large list of organizations and your environment is configured use typeahead searches, your search may return a limited number of results. Use more letters within your search to fine tune your search results. For example, searching for "org" may return a limited amount of results. Searching for "org - ExampleCompanyLtd" would return more specific results.