Understand dynamic commerce item properties

Your business may establish custom properties for commerce line items in your catalog (for example, engraving for a watch or piece of jewelry, or personalizing for a mug).

However, because of the nature of these dynamic commerce item properties, all available properties may be displayed even if the properties do not apply to the product (for example, engraving for a camera). Best practices include creating titles for the custom properties to distinguish one from the other (for example, Watch – Engraving or Mug – Personalize).

When these custom properties are available, a Customize link is displayed under the product. Clicking the link displays all the properties. You can then assign values to these properties.

In addition, a Use these properties for all the items option is provided. This option is displayed only if there is more than one quantity for a product. If this option is cleared, the item can be split into multiple items of one quantity each. All of the new items can have different values for the customization properties.

For example, a shopper is buying three mugs, and a custom property called Cup Caption has been created. If the Use these properties for all the items option has been cleared, the customization properties appear three times, once for each mug. You can provide different captions for each of the shopper’s mugs. The result is three different items in the cart with one quantity each, instead of the initial one item with three quantities.