16 Use Agent Themes

You can use an agent-specific theme when creating your application.

A theme is made up of a number of LESS files that are then compiled into a set of CSS files. These themes contain pre-configured settings that assist you in creating the look and feel of your site. You can have a number of different themes for your sites. For each active theme, there is a set of CSS files.

Note: If the storefront CSS files have been updated or added to a theme, ensure that you have also update the agent files have also been updated.

Your agent application uses its own specific agent theme. Because there can only be one agent theme, a configuration property lets you specify the theme ID to use for the agent application.

The agent theme is listed on the Theme tab of the Theme Manager page. However, note the following differences from the storefront themes:

  • There can be only one agent theme.
  • Although they are displayed, the agent theme cannot be edited using the Theme Manager page in the administration interface.
  • Agent themes cannot use the Go to Theme Code button in the administration interface.
  • Agent themes are not listed in the dropdown for themes in Site Settings in the administration interface.

The agent theme is stored in the AdminPageRepoistory and uses the endpoints listed below. Set the AgentTheme flag in the repository to true to use an agent theme.

For information on working with storefront themes, see Customize Your Store’s Design Theme.