Configure which properties of aggregated records and their members are accessible to front end applications

You can configure which properties of aggregated records and their member records are accessible to services such as guidedsearch (which produces search results) and typeahead (which controls the typeahead function).

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

This can reduce the amount of data in the JSON returned by calls to these services. In particular, it can make inaccessible the data that is irrelevant to shoppers or is otherwise sensitive, such as profit margins.

Note: By default, all properties of aggregated records are accessible to services.

To configure which properties are accessible, execute the following endpoint with JSON content that configures which properties are accessible:

PUT /gsadmin/v1/cloud/pages/Default/services/service_name

Where service_name is the name of the service, such as guidedsearch or typeahead, whose access to properties is limited by this call.

For example:

PUT /gsadmin/v1/cloud/pages/Default/services/guidedsearch

In the JSON content, list the properties that you want to make accessible, as follows:

  • List properties of aggregated records in the attributes field of the resultsList element. These properties hold values such as minimum and maximum prices. fieldNames is deprecated in this release.
  • List properties of member records in the childRecordAttributes field of the resultsList element. These properties hold values that shoppers search on, such as names, descriptions, brands, and SKU-level data per product, such as swatches. subRecordFieldNames is deprecated in this release.
    The maxChildRecords specifies the number of child records to be returned. This configuration expects an integer from the following list:
    • 0 (no child records)
    • 1 (one child record)
    • -1 (all matching child records)
    If the specified value is greater than one (> 1) or less than negative one (< -1), it is reset to -1 indicating that all matching child records are to be included.

For example, execute the following endpoint with the JSON content shown to cause all matching SKU level data of member records to be accessible to the guidedsearch service:

PUT /gsadmin/v1/cloud/pages/Default/services/guidedsearch
"resultsList": {
            "@type": "ResultsList",
            "maxChildRecords": -1,
            "attributes": ["product.repositoryId", "product.displayName" ],
            "childRecordAttributes": [ "product.repositoryId", "sku.repositoryId", "product.displayName", 
            "sku.listPrice", "sku.activePrice", "product.primaryFullImageURL", "product.route" ]

You can see your changes to the configuration of aggregated records in you Preview storefront. To see the changes in your Production storefront, you must first publish the changes.

Note: Setting maxChildRecords to -1 can impact performance both in terms of response time and the response payload size. We recommend that you use attributes, childRecordAttributes and maxChildRecords together to minimize impact on performance.