Create collections for the excluded items

Commerce excludes collections of products, not individual products, from shipping methods and shipping calculations.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

Create one or more non-navigable collections for the products you want to exclude from shipping methods or shipping calculations. See Organize products in collections to learn about working with collections in the Commerce administration interface.

Keep the following points in mind when you create collections for excluded items:

  • Collections you use for shipping method or shipping cost exclusion should be non-navigable, meaning shoppers cannot browse to the collections as part of the hierarchical catalog on your store.
  • It is a good idea to create a separate collection for each type of product. For example, you might create one collection for oversized items and another for hazardous items. Similarly, you could create one collection for all products you want to exclude from shipping charges calculation, but organize different types of products, like gift wrap or electronic gift cards, in child collections.
  • When you use a collection for shipping method or shipping cost exclusion, all the products in all its child collections are also excluded.