Customize email templates for preorders and backorders

If you configure your store to support preorders and backorders, you should also customize the templates for emails that contain order summaries so those emails can display the appropriate availability status for preordered and backordered items.

This section applies to Storefront Classic only. This section applies to Storefront Classic only.

The following email templates include order summaries:

  • Order Placed
  • Items Shipped
  • Order Pending For Approval
  • Order Rejected
  • Order Approved
  • Order Quoted
  • Quote Requested
  • Quote Failed
  • Payment Failure
  • Abandoned Order
  • Scheduled Order Placed Failed
  • Agent Cancel Order
  • Agent Edit Order
  • Agent Return Order Refund
  • Agent Return Order

The data available to the email templates to support preorders and backorders comes from the Orders resource in the Store REST API. Support has been added for preorders and backorders, in the form of the following properties:

  • backOrderedQuantity is an integer that specifies the quantity is reserved from the backorderLevel for an item.
  • preOrderedQuantity is an integer that specifies the quantity is reserved from the preorderLevel for an item.
  • availabilityDate is a string that specifies the date that the preordered or backordered item will be available.

These properties are typically added to the template in the order items list.

Note: Before you customize the email templates, read the Configure Email Settings. For details about working with FreeMarker templates, see the Apache FreeMarker documentation at

To display preorder and backorder information in an email template:

  1. Download the email template as described in Customize email templates.
  2. Update the html_body.ftl file.
  3. Upload the updated template as described in Customize email templates.