Customize emails for saved carts

If your store supports saved carts, you can customize the Abandoned Order email template, which remind customers that they left unpurchased items in their shopping carts, to include the name of the saved cart.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

Note: Though it is most useful in Abandoned Order emails, you can add the name of a saved cart to any of the following email templates that include order details: Items Shipped, Quote Failed, Order Approved, Order Rejected, Order Payment Initiated, Order Placed, Order Quoted, Quote Requested, Scheduled Order Placed Failed, Store Cancel Inflight Order, Store Cancel Order, and Store Return Order.

The cartName property is available to email templates to display the name of a saved cart. This property comes from the Orders resource in the Store REST API.

To display the name of a saved cart in an email template:

  1. Download the email template as described in Customize email templates.
  2. Update the html_body.ftl file.

    Add cartName to the main body of the email.

  3. Upload the updated template as described in Customize email templates.

If a shopper has multiple saved carts that meet the Abandoned Cart settings criteria, Commerce sends a separate email for each cart.

See Configure Abandoned Cart settings for more information about Abandoned Order emails.