Display tax and shipping in currency for points-based orders

When the isCurrencyConversionEnabled flag is enabled in the PriceListGroupManager, the order is processed in points, and the tax and shipping amounts are converted as per configuration.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

When the isCurrencyConversionEnabled flag is enabled in the PriceListGroupManager, the order is processed in points, and the tax and shipping amounts are converted as per configuration. However, you can configure your site to display tax and shipping in standard currency and not in loyalty points.

To set tax and shipping in currency for a loyalty points-based order, issue a PUT request to the /ccadmin/v1/sites/{site_id} endpoint on the administration server. Specify if the tax or shipping amounts should be displayed in the currency properties in a JSON map in the body of the request.

Note: When setting the payTaxInSecondaryCurrency and payShippingInSecondaryCurrency properties, they must both be set either to true or false. One property cannot be true while the other is false, they must both have the same value.

The following table describes properties that determines how tax and shipping are displayed:

Property Description
payTaxInSecondaryCurrency A Boolean flag that determines if tax should be displayed in the secondary currency.
payShippingInSecondaryCurrency A Boolean flat that determines if shipping should be displayed in the secondary currency.

For example:

PUT ccadmin/v1/sites/SiteUS
  "properties": {
    "payShippingInSecondaryCurrency": true,
    "payTaxInSecondaryCurrency": true
An example response might be similar to the following:
"priceInfo": {
    "secondaryCurrencyTaxAmount": 1.5,
    "amount": 89.97,
    "total": 96.27,
    "secondaryCurrencyShippingAmount": 6,
    "shipping": 0,
    "secondaryCurrencyTotal": 7.5,
    "primaryCurrencyTotal": 89.97,
    "shippingSurchargeValue": 0,
    "tax": 6.3,
    "subTotal": 89.97,
    "currencyCode": "USLoyaltyPoints",
    "totalWithoutTax": 15

Use webhooks for loyalty points with monetary currency

When working with webhooks and loyalty programs, it is important to know which webhooks contain secondary currency properties. The following list shows the webhooks that recognize and enable loyalty-points currency conversion.

  • CheckOrderApprovalWebhook
  • ExternalPricing
  • ExternalTaxCalculation
  • IdleCart
  • Order
  • RequestQuote
  • Return

Use widgets with loyalty programs with monetary currency

The following widgets can be used to display currency-related properties.

Note: To incorporate loyalty information on your store’s pages, make sure you are using the latest version of the widgets.

Specifically, you should update the following:

  • shoppingCartSummary
  • orderSummary
  • orderHistory
  • checkoutOrderSummary
  • checkoutPaymentDetails
  • giftCard
  • confirmationSummary
  • cartShippingDetails
  • checkoutConfirmation
  • productDetails
  • loyaltyDetails
  • loyaltyPayment
  • CybersourcePaymentAuthentication
  • orderDetails
  • ordersPendingApproval
  • splitPayments
  • accountOrderDetails
  • accountCheckoutConfirmation