Export and import promotion data

Promotion data can be exported or imported from external systems.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

Once you have set up promotions, as outlined in Understand promotions, you can share promotion data. The following section describes the fields and validation that occurs when exporting or importing promotion data.

Promotions export and import fields

The following fields can be exported and imported for promotions:

Field Name Description
audiences A list of audiences for which a promotion is specifically designed. This includes the audience ID, display name and if audiences are enabled. You can have multiple audiences.
displayName The name of the promotion.
enabled Describes if the promotion is enabled. If enabled, the promotion takes effect according to the specified usage period.
endDate The date that the promotion stops being delivered.
excludedPromotions Promotions that are excluded from a promotion.
id The promotion ID.
priceListGroups The pricelist groups used by the promotion.
priority The priority of the promotion.
shippingMethods The shipping method used by the promotion.
sites A list of sites associated with the promotion. This identifies the site ID and the site name. You can configure multiple sites.
stackingRules Any stacking rules used by the promotion.
startDate The date the promotion begins.
templateValues Placeholder values that are used when creating a template.
type The type of discount this promotion provides.
description A description of the promotion.
templateName The name of the template used with the promotion.
templatePath The path of the template used with the promotion.
parentFolder The parent folder of the promotion.
qualifiedMessages The list of qualified messages for a promotion.
unqualifiedMessages The list of unqualified messages for a promotion.
closenessQualifiers The list of closeness qualifiers for a promotion. This data will be imported only if the specific promotion supports it.

Promotion validations

The following validations are performed when creating a new promotions import:

  • The templateName, templatePath, displayName, and promotion ID are available and are valid. The shipping method, if provided, should also be valid.
  • The startDate is not greater than the endDate.
  • The promotionTemplates should be valid and are available in the template path.
  • The Id field inside excludedPromotions cannot be null and that promotions with the ID are valid.
  • The promotionId cannot be the same as any other excludedPromotionsId.
  • TemplateValues do not contain any keys other than AllowedUIKeys, and contain all of the keys listed in RequireUIKeys.
  • The promotion does not contain any coupon codes.
  • The siteId and the audienceId are valid.
  • Included and excluded promotion types are compatible with the promotion:
    • If templatePath=item, allowed promotion types are item, order or shipping
    • if templatePath=order, then allowed promotion types are order or shipping
    • if templatePath=shipping, then the allowed promotion type is shipping

The following validations are performed when updating an existing promotions import:

  • The promotion ID is there and valid.
  • The templatePath, templateName and type of existing promotions have not been changed.
  • If enabling a promotion that does not contain a coupon, ensure that there is no previous coupon associated with it.

For detailed information on working with promotions, refer to Understand promotions.