Manage account-based shopper profiles

Account-based storefronts cannot use the Customer Profile widget that is included in Commerce out of the box.

This section applies to Storefront Classic only. This section applies to Storefront Classic only.

This widget allows shoppers to edit their billing and shipping addresses. In account-based storefronts, addresses are managed at the account level and shoppers should not be able to modify them, which makes the Customer Profile widget inappropriate for account-based storefronts. Instead, account-based storefronts must create a new widget that displays profile information but does not enable address editing.

This section describes how to create this new widget.

Download the existing Customer Profile widget

You can create your new widget using the code from the existing Customer Profile widget as a starting point. For instructions on how to download the code for the existing Customer Profile widget, see Download widget source code.

Modify the Customer Profile widget

The display.template for the existing widget includes the following lines of code:

<div id="CC-customerProfile-profileDetails-section"
    class="row cc-customerProfile-profile-details"
    data-bind="template: { name: templateAbsoluteUrl(
              '/templates/customerProfileDetails.template') ,
              templateUrl: ''}">

This code references another template file, customerProfileDetails.template, that contains the code that is responsible for rendering the profile’s addresses:

<div class="col-sm-6" id="CC-customerProfile-shipping">
  <div class="row cc-customerProfile-shipping-address"
       data-bind="template: { name: templateAbsoluteUrl(
       '/templates/customerProfileShippingAddress.template') ,
       templateUrl: ''}"></div>

At a minimum, these lines of code in the customerProfileDetails.template must be removed or commented out to prohibit shoppers from editing or adding addresses. However, this will also prevent the addresses from being displayed on the Profile Layout (note that the shopper can still see her addresses on the Checkout Layout and Checkout Layout with GiftCard pages). As an alternative, you can modify the customerProfileShippingAddress.template referenced in this code to retrieve addresses from the account instead of the individual shopper.

If you choose to edit the customerProfileShippingAddress.template file, you must remove any options in that file that edit or add new addresses. To display the addresses, you must use the organizationAddressBook array from the UserViewModel in place of the shippingAddressBook array. For example, in the following code:

<div class="col-xs-12">
  <!-- ko with: user -->
  <fieldset id="CC-customerProfile-edit-fields">
    <legend class="cc-profile-legend-title"
      <span data-bind="widgetLocaleText:'shippingAddressText'"></span>
      <!-- View Begins -->
      <div class="col-sm-10" id="CC-customerProfile-shippingAddress-view-region">
        <!-- ko foreach: shippingAddressBook -->
        <!-- ko if: postalCode -->
        <address class="CC-customerProfile-shipping-address
          <div class="pull-right">
            <!-- ko if: $parent.shippingAddressBook().length > 1 -->
              <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm"
                                 disable: isDefaultAddress(),

This line:

<!-- ko foreach: shippingAddressBook -->

Should change to:

<!-- ko foreach: organizationAddressBook -->

And this line:

<!-- ko if: $parent.shippingAddressBook().length > 1 -->

Should change to:

<!-- ko if: $parent.organizationAddressBook.length > 1 -->

After making the necessary code changes, you must create a new extension package to contain the widget and upload it to Commerce. To make the new extension package, you can copy the extension package from the original Customer Profile Widget, however, you must modify the widget directory name and the meta-data in the ext.json and widget.json files for your new widget. For more details, see Understand extensions.