Prevent Site Traffic Slowdowns

This section describes the landing page throttling feature.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

To prevent traffic from slowing down a website, OCC allows servers to deflect requests. This prevents the servers from becoming overloaded with traffic. Note that this deflection does not remove your existing shoppers from the site, nor does it impede your site functionality.

If your service does exceed its limits during a traffic spike, new shoppers will be redirected to a temporary waiting room page. Existing shoppers may continue uninterrupted. The waiting room page displays a white page with a CSS-based spinner without text. Every 15 seconds, the shopper’s browser will check if the site is accepting new shoppers. When new shoppers are again accepted, the browser will redirect back to the original URL the shopper intended to visit. This URL is stored in a target query parameter as a URL encoded value.

By default, the waiting room page looks for a background image in /file/general/occ-site-busy.jpg. You can create your own branded waiting room experience by providing your own background image. Use the Media tab in the administration console to upload your branded image to /file/general/occ-site-busy.jpg. After you publish this image, it will be automatically used as your background for the waiting room page.