Restore or upgrade the storefront framework version

Commerce’s storefront framework provides the foundation for store functionality and facilitates client-side storefront development.

This section applies to Storefront Classic only. This section applies to Storefront Classic only.
The framework comprises JavaScript and CSS code and gives access to common view models, the PubSub event mechanism, third-party libraries, themes, Commerce-specific libraries and so on. It consists of the following files: require.js, main.js, store-libs.js, and storefront.css.

The storefront framework is upgraded automatically with each release. While much care is taken to avoid backwards compatibility issues, the ability to revert an automatic upgrade provides a stop-gap measure in case an automatic upgrade is incompatible with custom widget or theme code you have written. This feature allows you to restore the previous version of the framework while you make the necessary changes to your custom code and then upgrade to the latest version.

Note: After you restore or upgrade, the changes are effective immediately.

To change the storefront framework version:

  1. Click the Design icon.
  2. Click the Developer option and select Storefront Framework.

    You are presented with one of the following scenarios:

    1. The latest version is currently running but no previous version exists. In this case you will see a message informing you that you cannot be upgraded as you are running the latest version. This is most likely the case for new customers.
    2. The latest version is currently running, and a previous version exists which can be restored. Click the Restore button to restore the previous version and then confirm your choice.
    3. An older version is currently running, and the latest version is available as an upgrade. The Storefront Framework page displays details of the version currently being used, and details of the latest version. Click the Upgrade button and then confirm your choice.
Once upgraded, the storefront framework version is set to the latest version by default.