Retaining shipping group information

Commerce’s default behavior is to reset shipping group relationships whenever the shopper makes changes to the cart.

This section applies to Storefront Classic only. This section applies to Storefront Classic only.

You may want to override this behavior to retain shipping group information for the shopper so he does not have to re-enter it when he resumes the checkout process.

To avoid resetting shipping group relationships, you can use an application-level JavaScript module that configures the resetShippingGroupRelationships flag. Specifically, you must create an extension that uploads an application-level JavaScript module that depends on the cc-store-configuration-1.0.js library and sets the resetShippingGroupRelationships flag to false. The following code sample shows what the contents of this JavaScript module might look like (for general information on creating an application-level JavaScript extension, see Understand widgets):

  // Module definition
  function(CCStoreConfiguration) {

    "use strict";

    return {
      // Override the default value (true) of resetShippingGroupRelationships to
      // false to retain shipping group relationship on cart updates
      CCStoreConfiguration.getInstance().resetShippingGroupRelationships = false;