Understand order states

This section lists the possible states of an order and of order subobjects.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

The following table describes the possible states of an order:

State Name Description
AGENT_REJECTED When using order approvals, this indicates that the order has been rejected by the agent.
APPROVED When using order approvals, this indicates that the order has been approved by the agent.
APPROVED_TEMPLATE When using order approvals, this indicates that the scheduled order has been approved by the agent.
BEING_AMENDED When using order approvals, this indicates that the order is being amended.
FAILED The order failed.
FAILED_APPROVAL When using order approvals, this indicates that the order has failed to get approval.
FAILED_APPROVAL_TEMPLATE When using order approvals, this indicates that the scheduled order has failed to get approval.
INCOMPLETE The order is still in the purchase process.
NO_PENDING_ACTION The order has been fulfilled, and processing of the order is complete. All shipping groups in the order are in a NO_PENDING_ACTION or REMOVED state, and order payment has been settled.
PENDING_AGENT_APPROVAL When using order approvals, this indicates that the order is still awaiting review by the agent.
PENDING_APPROVAL When using order approvals, this indicates that the order is still pending approval.
PENDING_APPROVAL_TEMPLATE When using order approvals, this indicates that the scheduled order is still pending approval.
PENDING_CUSTOMER_ACTION Processing of the order requires the customer’s attention for some reason, such as an incorrect customer address.
PENDING_CUSTOMER_RETURN Processing of the order requires the customer return submission.
PENDING_MERCHANT_ACTION Processing of the order requires merchant attention for some reason, such as the failure of a payment group in the order.
PENDING_PAYMENT When using account-based commerce, this indicates that the order is awaiting payment information.
PENDING_PAYMENT_TEMPLATE When using order approvals, this indicates that the scheduled order is awaiting payment information.
PENDING_QUOTE When using account-based commerce, this indicates that the quote for the order is still pending.
PENDING_REMOVE A request was made to remove the order. The order is placed in this state until all shipping groups in the order are set to a PENDING_REMOVE state.
PROCESSING The order is being processed by the order management system.
REMOVED The order has been removed successfully.
SUBMITTED The order has completed the purchase process and has been submitted to the order management system.
QUOTED When using account-based commerce, this indicates that the order has been quoted.
QUOTE_REQUEST_FAILED When using account-based commerce, this indicates that the quote for the order has failed.
REJECTED When using account-based commerce, this indicates that the order has been rejected.
REJECTED_QUOTE When using account-based commerce, this indicates that the quote for the order has been rejected.

In addition, the sections below describe the possible states of various order components:

paymentGroup states

An order’s array of payment groups represent the payments that paid for the order. The following table describes the possible states of a payment group:

State Name Description
AUTHORIZE_FAILED Authorization of the payment group has failed.
AUTHORIZED The payment group has been authorized and can be debited.
CREDIT_FAILED Credit of the payment group has failed.
INITIAL The payment group has not been acted on yet.
REMOVED The payment group has been removed.
SETTLE_FAILED Debit of the payment group has failed.
SETTLED The payment group has been debited successfully.

shippingGroup states

A shipping group represents a shipment and includes commerceItemRelationships that represent which commerce items in what quantities are included in the shipment. The following table describes the possible states of shipping group:

State Name Description
INITIAL The shipping group is in a pre-fulfillment state.
PROCESSING The shipping group has started the fulfillment process.
PENDING_REMOVE A request for the removal of the entire order was made, and the removal of this shipping group is possible.
REMOVED The shipping group has been removed.
FAILED The shipping group has failed to process.
PENDING_SHIPMENT The shipping group is ready to be shipped.
NO_PENDING_ACTION The shipment of all the items in the shipping group is complete.
PENDING_MERCHANT_ACTION An error occurred while trying to process the shipping group; the error requires the merchant’s attention.

commerceItem states

Commerce items (sometimes referred to as line items) represent the SKUs included in an order. The following table describes the possible states of a commerceItem. These states are read-only and are calculated from the shipping group’s commerceItemRelationship.

State Name Description
BACK_ORDERED The item is not available in the inventory; it has been backordered.
DISCONTINUED The item is not available in the inventory; it cannot be backordered.
FAILED The item has failed.
INITIAL The item is in an initial state, that is, it is not yet associated with any shipping group.
ITEM_NOT_FOUND The item could not be found in the inventory.
OUT_OF_STOCK The item is not available in the inventory, and it has not been backordered.
PENDING_REMOVE The item will be removed pending verification that all item relationships referring to it can be removed.
PRE_ORDERED The item is not available in the inventory; it has been preordered.
REMOVED The item has been removed from the order.
SUBITEM_PENDING_DELIVERY The item is available in the inventory, and it is being prepared for shipment to the customer.