Validate SSEs

The server-side extension framework performs validation checks on SSEs to avoid conflicts and errors.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

By default, the SSE framework checks the authenticatedUrls and publicUrls property in each SSE's package.json file to determine whether the SSE has at least one URL that is registered with the main Express application. If it does, the SSE is considered valid. If at least one SSE running on the server is valid, network traffic can be routed to the server.

You can disable this checking for an individual SSE by setting the validateModule property in the package.json file to false:

"validateModule" : false,

Commerce also checks whether your SSE ZIP file includes libraries that are part of the server-side extension framework, such as Express, Winston, Nconf, or Moment. If these modules are included in your node_modules folder, they may cause unpredictable behavior, because the SSE framework will use the local node_modules copy instead of the global copy. The SSE framework produces a warning if you upload an SSE that includes one or more of these modules. The framework also warns if an SSE's proxy configuration is invalid.