Access the Home Page

The Home page displays summaries of your site activity in relation to sales, site traffic, products, and promotions for a chosen timeframe.

Upon opening the OBIEE reports, a separate browsing window pops up with the Home tab automatically displayed. From here you can choose to view an overview summarizing how your site has performed in either the last 24 hours, or the last 7 days. To the right of the Trend view filter options you will see a time indicator showing the last time the live data was captured. Data for the last 24 hours timeframe is refreshed every 30 minutes, and once a day for the Last 7 days timeframe.

The summary tiles displayed on the Home page are dependent upon the Trend view you have chosen. As such, all graphical images will change in accordance with whether they are displaying for the last 24 hours, or the last 7 days.

The following summary tiles are highlighted on the Home page:

  • Sales – displays the net revenue, average value of orders, and number of orders that have taken place on your site over the last 24 hours, or the last 7 days.
  • Traffic – displays the traffic volume experienced by your web store over the last 24 hours, or the last 7 days, calling out the number of pages viewed, the number of visitors along with the conversion rate, and the page views per visit metrics, highlighting how engaged your visitors were while on your site.
  • Products and Promotions – displays the top 10 products and the top 10 promotions for the last 24 hours, or the last 7 days, based on the applied filters.