Quick Start

The Oracle Commerce REST APIs consist of several sets of endpoints:
  • The Store API endpoints provide access to store functionality on the storefront server. A subset of the Store API endpoints, the Store Extension API, enables integrations and server-side extensions to access data that is not exposed to shoppers.
  • The Admin API endpoints provide access to administrative functionality on the administration server. Two subsets of the Admin API endpoints, the Search Admin and Configuration and the Search Data and Indexing API endpoints, provide access to search functionality on the search server.
  • The Agent API endpoints provide access to agent functionality on the administration server.
  • The Social Wish Lists API endpoints are used to configure wish list features.
In addition to the endpoints, Oracle Commerce provides webhooks for making calls to external systems.

Each set of endpoints is different, although in many cases similar endpoints are available in multiple APIs. For example, the Store, Agent, and Admin APIs all have endpoints for working with orders, though they differ in the functions that they can perform.

Note: You should not make calls to the Admin API or the Agent API from a storefront application. If your application needs access to functionality or data provided by these endpoints, you can use the Store Extension API endpoints instead. These endpoints can be used by store integrations and server-side extensions, but should not be called from a browser.

Authentication is handled separately for each API. For example, logging into the Admin API does not give you access to the Agent endpoints. In addition, each API's endpoints differ in terms of which user roles provide access to them. For example, an account with CS Agent permissions does not necessarily also include Administrator permissions.

Note that each API is available only in certain environments:
  • The Admin API and Agent API are available on the administration server only.
  • The Store API is available primarily on the storefront server. It is also available on the administration server for previewing unpublished changes to the store.