


Get Sku. Returns sku details with pricing and variant information. Unlike the getSku endpoint of Admin, this endpoint returns pricing and variants details of Sku. Takes X-CCAgentContext header which is a JSON object with 'shopperProfileId' as a property. If 'shopperProfileId' is not provided, it is considered as an anonymous profile.Additonally takes x-ccsite header to return the sku's of that site'


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • ID of catalog. If a catalogId is not passed, the catalog associated with the shopperProfileId passed in the X-CCAgentContext header is used. If no shopperProfileId is passed in the header, default catalog associated with the site is used.
  • To retrieve not for indivisal Sale items. If showNotForIndividualSale is not passed the sku will return if it exists
  • Sku Id.
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Following model is returned when operation succeeds.
Body ()
Root Schema : getSku_response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : configurationMetadata
Type: array
Array of configuration attributes associated with the SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : fullImageURLs
Type: array
The array of full image URLs
Show Source
Nested Schema : images
Type: array
Image URLs of SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : largeImageURLs
Type: array
Large Image URLs of SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : listPrices
Type: object
list prices of the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : listVolumePrices
Type: object
list volume prices of the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : mediumImageURLs
Type: array
medium image urls path
Show Source
Nested Schema : parentProducts
Type: array
The list of parent products for the SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : productListingSku
Type: object
product listing SKU property of the SKU
Nested Schema : productVariantOptions
Type: array
The selected options for the SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : salePrices
Type: object
sale prices of the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : saleVolumePrices
Type: object
Sale volume prices of the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : shippingSurcharges
Type: object
Extra handling costs for shipping the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : smallImage
Type: array
The array of small image URLs
Show Source
Nested Schema : smallImageURLs
Type: array
small image url paths
Show Source
Nested Schema : sourceImageURLs
Type: array
Source Image URLs of SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : thumbImageURLs
Type: array
Thumb Image URLs of SKU
Show Source
Nested Schema : variantValuesOrder
Type: object
Object having various variant property as key and ordered values array as the value.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : defaultProductListingSku
Type: object
default SKU for the product
Nested Schema : fullImageURLs
Type: array
full image url paths
Show Source
Nested Schema : largeImageURLs
Type: array
The array of large image URLs
Show Source
Nested Schema : listPrices
Type: object
list prices of the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : listVolumePrices
Type: object
list volume prices of the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : mediumImageURLs
Type: array
Medium Image URLs SKU.
Show Source
Nested Schema : salePrices
Type: object
sale prices of the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : saleVolumePrices
Type: object
Sale volume prices of the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : shippingSurcharges
Type: object
Extra handling costs for shipping the product in respective price list groups
Show Source
Nested Schema : smallImageURLs
Type: array
The urls of the small image.
Show Source
Nested Schema : sourceImageURLs
Type: array
source image urls of the product
Show Source
Nested Schema : thumbImageURLs
Type: array
Thumb Image URLs of product
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Example Response (application/json)
                    "longDescription":"Record footage in 720p resolution with this Samsung F980BN\n                HMX-F90BN/XAA flash memory camcorder, which features a CMOS sensor to help you capture high-definition\n                videos. The 2. LCD display provides a clear view for shooting or reviewing images.\n            ",
                    "displayName":"Samsung - F90BN HD Flash Memory Camcorder",
                                        "displayName":"OM-D E-M10 Digital Compact System Camera",
                                        "displayName":"OM-D E-M10 Digital Compact System Camera",
                                        "displayName":"Movie Gift Card",
            "zoom":"2x optical/130x digital",
                "optionValue":"2x optical/130x digital",

Default Response

The error response. The following are the internal error codes thrown by this API when the request processing fails in Oracle Commerce Cloud: |Error Code|Description| |------------------|------------------| |30015|SiteId passed in x-ccsite header is currently inactive| |30014|SiteId passed in x-ccsite header is invalid or the site was deleted| |20033|Illegal to use catalog ID when custom catalogs are not in use.| |26069|Internal Error.| |26050|Variants Internal Error.| |26061|Cannot Find Null Sku.| |26060|Cannot Find Sku.|
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModel
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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