Understand the quoting components

Commerce includes a set of components you can use to integrate with Oracle CPQ in quoting scenarios.

These scenarios allow a shopper to request a quote on one or more items in an order from the checkout page. When a quote is returned, the order is updated and the shopper can accept the quote, reject the quote, or request a requote. For more information about the integration, including workflows, see Use Oracle CPQ Cloud Features.

OSF includes the following layouts and components to use with quoted orders on your storefront:

  • The RequestQuoteButton widget, available for Cart and Checkout layouts, lets a shopper start the quote-request process. (This widget does not appear in any of the default layouts, but you can add it from the Components library.) When a shopper clicks the button, Commerce displays a modal where the shopper can add notes about the request, and click a Send button to send the request or a Cancel button to cancel the request.

    The RequestQuoteButton widget is located in packages\plugins\components\react-widgets\checkout\checkout-request-quote-button.

  • The ProfileQuoteNotesHistory widget, available to add to the Order History layout, lets a logged-in shopper see a scrollable list of notes sent with quote requests and received with quote responses.

    The ProfileQuoteNotesHistory widget is located in packages\plugins\components\react-widgets\profile\profile-quote-notes-history.

  • The ProfileQuoteActions widget, available to add to the Order History layout, lets a logged-in shopper accept or reject a quote, or request a requote.

    The ProfileQuoteActions widget is located in packages\plugins\components\react-widgets\profile\profile-quote-actions.

  • Use the Checkout Quote Shipping layout in place of the Checkout Shipping layout for quoted orders. Note that unlike the Checkout Shipping page, shoppers cannot update the order from this page.
  • When a shopper clicks the Continue to Payment button on the Checkout Quote Shipping page, display the Checkout Payment and Review page. This layout combines both review and payment functions on a single page to facilitate the checkout flow for quoted orders. Do not use the Checkout Review Order layout for quoted orders.