Add metadata to products and collections

You can enter metadata search information including a title, keywords, and a description for each product and collection in your catalog.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

The metadata is then tagged and retrieved as part of a search via a search engine and displayed in the results.

This section describes how to add metadata to products and collections. You can also add alt-text and titles to images assigned to products and collections. See Add alt text and titles to images for more information.

To enter metadata for a product or collection:

  1. On the Catalog page, open the relevant product or collection for which you want to enter metadata search information.
  2. Open the product or collection’s Metadata tab. By default, the following properties are automatically assigned to metadata when a product or collection is created:
    • Title Tag: The Name of the product or collection.
    • Meta Keywords: The Name and Parent Collection of a product. The Name and Selected Parent of a collection.
    • URL Slug: The Name of the product or collection.
    • Meta Description: The Name and Description of the product or collection.
  3. To change the current information you must check Edit Manually and enter the text within each box.

    To change back to the default alt text, check Edit Manually and click Reset Default.

  4. Enter a Title Tag. This is normally the product or collection title.
  5. Enter Meta Keywords. These are used by search engines to find the most relevant information when processing a search request. Search engines determine the relevance of a search request against these keywords.
  6. Enter a URL Slug. This is a unique, URL-friendly version of the Name of the product or collection. A URL slug can contain only lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (1-9), and a limited number of special characters (- _ % ~). Using a unique URL slug ensures that you do not encounter storefront display issues, such as, 404 errors. See Configure URL patterns for more information

    For example, for the product named Button Down Shirt, the URL slug could be button_down_shirt.

    See Understand canonical tags for information on signaling the source, or original, URL of a page to search engines.

  7. Enter Meta Description. This description can promote your site to search engine users.
  8. Click Save.