Configure shipping surcharges

You can apply additional shipping charges to products because of size, weight, or special handling requirements.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

The surcharge is a fixed, monetary amount that applies to a specific product. For example, a kayak can have a shipping surcharge of $25, while a mattress, whose delivery includes removal of an old bed, might have a surcharge of $75. A product’s shipping surcharge is the same for each available shipping method.

Shipping surcharges are not affected by shipping promotions and are added to the order total during checkout, after discounts have been applied. For example, a shipping promotion offers free ground shipping on all orders over $200. A shopper purchases a $225 kayak with a $25 shipping surcharge. The order meets the free-shipping promotion condition, so the $30 ground shipping charge is removed, but the $25 shipping surcharge remains.

To configure shipping surcharges, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Shipping Surcharges property to the product types that you will use to create products that require surcharges. Shipping Surcharges is not a required property, so you can add it to a product type that you will use for other products. See Create and edit product types for information about adding properties to a product type.
  2. Add a shipping surcharge amount when you create or edit a product. You can add the surcharge manually in the administration interface or by importing product details. See Create and work with products for information about creating individual products in your catalog. See Import catalog items and inventory for information about importing new and updated products.
  3. Specify the shipping methods that are available for products that have shipping surcharges. See Create a shipping method for more information.