Manage pages for account-based shoppers

This section provides guidance on how you can manage pages for account-based shoppers.

This section applies to Storefront Classic only. This section applies to Storefront Classic only.

Restrict a page layout to account-based shoppers

When you clone a page layout, you can configure the new layout with one of the following options:

  • “Make Default Layout” defines the layout as the default. It is this layout that is rendered for anonymous shoppers and registered shoppers.
  • “Display layout to account shoppers only” restricts the layout to account-based shoppers only.

Using these two settings, you can design a set of layouts for your anonymous and registered shoppers and another set for your account-based shoppers. Note that this may not be required for all layouts; in other words, if a layout does not need different content for the various shoppers types, you can have one default layout for all of them.

Restrict self-registration for account-based shoppers

Some out-of-the-box widgets allow self-registration while others do not. These widgets should be used appropriately, depending on the types of shopper your storefront supports. Specifically, shoppers should not be allowed to self-register for a business account. In the case of a storefront that supports both individual shoppers and account-based shoppers, your UI should make it clear that any self-registration activity creates an individual shopper account, not a business account (see Note about preventing self-registration in account-based storefronts for more details). The following widget elements affect self-registration:

  • The Login/Registration element in the Header widget allows self-registration while the Contact Login (for Managed Accounts) element does not.
  • The Registration Button element on the Wish List Welcome widget, available on the Wish List Layout, allows self-registration. This element can be removed for pages that must prevent account-based shoppers from self-registering.

Restrict address editing for account-based shoppers

Some out-of-the-box widgets allow shoppers to modify their billing and shipping addresses while others do not. In account-based storefronts, addresses are managed at the account level and shoppers should not be allowed to modify them. As such, these widgets should be used appropriately, depending on the types of shopper your storefront supports. The following widgets affect address editing:

  • The Customer Address Book widget, on the Checkout Layout and Checkout Layout with GiftCard layouts, allows address creation and editing. By contrast, the Account Address Book widget on these layouts allows a contact to choose an address from those defined for the account and to specify a person to ship to but further editing of the address is not available.
  • The Customer Profile Widget on the Profile Layout allows customers to edit their billing and shipping addresses. To restrict address editing, account-based storefronts must create a new profile widget that displays profile information but does not enable address editing. For details on creating the new profile widget, see Manage account-based shopper profiles.

Ensure account-specific catalogs and price groups are displayed for account-based shoppers

When they are created, business accounts are assigned a catalog and price group. In the storefront, account-based shoppers should be shown the catalog and price group assigned to their business account. To ensure that the correct catalog and price group is shown to an account-based shopper, you must use the latest version of the Collection Navigation widget on the Home Layout and the Shopping Cart widgets on the Cart Layout. Server side code automatically determines which catalog and price group to show and passes it to the storefront. The storefront then displays the catalog and price group it has been passed, via these two widgets. For instructions on how to check which version you are using, see Design Your Store Layout. If you are not using the latest version, you must upgrade to it. See Upgrade deployed widgets for instructions on how to do so.

Display company name and logo to account-based shoppers

There are two places where you can choose to add a company name and logo to an account-based storefront:

  • To the header in the storefront page layouts, using the Company Name and Company logo elements in the Header widget.
  • To the email templates used to generate automated email notifications. See the Add company name and logo to account-based email templates section in Customize Email Templates for details on how to do this.