View the list of audiences

The Audiences page displays a list of all the audiences that have been defined for your store. You can view the name, description and usage information of each audience. You can sort and filter the list.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

Click the Marketing icon and then clickAudiences. You must be assigned the Admin or Marketing role. Each audience entry displays the following information:

  • Audience Name - short, descriptive display name that identifies the audience
  • Description - longer description that explains the use or details of the audience
  • Audience Usage – the users and the number of consumers of the audience

The list displays all audiences by default. The All Audiences view includes both enabled and disabled audiences and regardless of its inclusion in reporting (a line chart icon next to an audience indicates the audience is used in reporting). An audience does not need to be published to appear in the list. You can change this view by clicking All Audiences and selecting another view:

  • Enabled Audiences includes only audiences that are available for targeting.
  • Disabled Audiences includes audiences that are not available for targeting content.
  • Audiences Used in Reports includes audiences for which membership is evaluated and recorded for reporting purposes, when a shopper submits an order.

The list can be sorted by clicking the Audience Name or Description column labels. You can filter the list by starting to type an audience name or description in the Filter list box. Sorting or filtering always resets your view of the list to the first page.