Enable prioritized loading of Storefront page content

You may be able to speed the loading of some Storefront pages by enabling the prioritized loading option.

This section applies to Storefront Classic only. This section applies to Storefront Classic only.

With Prioritized Loading, every region in a page displays in an ordered top-down fashion, that is, rendering the header section, then the body of the page, and then the footer. Widgets that need to be rendered are maintained in a queue and are displayed in order and one widget will not display until the previous one in the queue has displayed. This works on all pages including cached pages.

To enable the feature, set enablePrioritizedLoading to true, in cc-store-configuration-1.0.js. If the flag is set to true, prioritized loading is enabled. If this flag is not set, the page is loaded in the usual way and there would be no impact on any of the existing functionalities.