Amend a placed order

If an order is still within the remorse period configured for your business, the order details can be amended.

Note: Be aware of cases in which the item was initially available at the time of placing an order, but later, before order amendment, the item became unavailable (for example, because the SKU was deactivated). In these cases, the item is removed from the shopper’s cart.

For more information, see Create and work with SKUs in Using Oracle Commerce.

Complete these steps to amend an order:

  1. Complete an order search and select the appropriate order. The Order status is Submitted to Fulfillment. The Order Details page appears.

    If the Cancel Order and Edit Order buttons appear at the top of the page, the order is still within the remorse period. If the order is outside the remorse period, the customer may want to start a return or exchange.

  2. Click Edit Order. The order, shipping, and payment details are now enabled.
    • If the order includes add-on items (additional items purchased to enhance or modify a base item for sale, for example, warranties and monogramming), deleting the base item also deletes the associated add-on.
    • When paying for the added charges of the amended order, you can accept a gift card, the same credit/debit card from the original order, or a different credit/debit card, or an invoice (purchase order) if the original order was paid for using an invoice. The invoice payment option feature may not be enabled in your environment.

      Credit/debit card details must be collected from the shopper and entered manually even if the same credit/debit card is used for payment.

      In the single payment mode, only a single credit/debit card can be used for payment processing, while multiple gift cards can be used. The shopper can choose to switch to multiple payments mode if desired. For more information, see Understand single and multiple payments.

      Once a credit card is used, the invoice payment option is no longer available. If during order amendment, the order amount changes and the shopper wants to use a credit card instead of the original invoice, the credit card must be used for the full amount in single payment mode. If the shopper wants to combine credit cards with invoices, switch to multiple payments mode. The invoice payment option feature may not be enabled in your environment.

    • An agent cannot use PayPal as a payment option for added charges, because PayPal requires a shopper’s user ID and password.
  3. If your business uses a system that externally prices items (for example, with shoppers bidding on items), make changes to the quantity as you would with any other included item. However, shoppers may also include items beyond the number of externally-priced items. Notes are provided explaining the quantities covered by the external price. Anything beyond that quantity is priced at list price. For example, up to five items may be listed at the external price of $90.00, with each additional item listed at the list price of $100.00.

    You cannot add an item and give it an external price. However, if the item appears in the shopper’s order with an external price, you can change the quantity to reflect the shopper’s request.

    Important: When dealing with externally-priced items included in the Order Items section, use extreme caution with the Delete Product button located to the right of the quantity field. If you delete a product from the order using external pricing, there is no way to recover the product.

  4. If the environment has been set up for agent supervisors to complete item price overrides during order amending, a pencil icon appears to the right of the item.
    • Click the pencil icon to display the Price Override dialog.
    • Enter the corrected price in the Subtotal field.
    • Select a reason from the menu.
    • Click Save. The original price is lined out and the new price appears below the original price.

    Once the order is placed, an information icon appears on the order details page and provides details about the person who made the change as well as the reason.

  5. Once you complete your amendments, click Place Order. The amended order takes the place of the previous order. The Order Number remains the same.

Use price override

The agent supervisor may encounter situations where, for example, the price of an item changes before the order is shipped, or you want to provide assistance to a shopper due to issues with a previous order.

The price override feature allows an agent supervisor during the remorse period to impose a more favorable price to order items. This feature can be activated or deactivated in the administration interface under Agent Settings.

To use price override:

  1. Open the order.
  2. In the Order Items section, click the pencil (Override Price) icon next to the product subtotal amount. The Override Price dialog appears.
  3. Make any changes to the Subtotal and Override Reasons required fields, and click Save.

When the order is placed, and the order is opened for review, under Order Items, next to the subtotal of an item where a price override occurred, an icon is displayed showing the Price Override Reason and the agent who completed the override.

Amend PayPal orders

Orders cannot be placed with PayPal through the Agent Console. Other operations, such as cancel, return, and exchange, can be performed.

Note: If the order is paid for using the PayPal Authorize option in the storefront, such orders are available for operations such as cancel, edit, return, and exchange. If the PayPal Settle option is selected while placing the order, the edit order operation is not available.

Depending on the PayPal Payment Capture Action option set in the Oracle Commerce administration interface, PayPal payments involve one of the following:

  • Immediate authorization and settlement/capture of funds from the shopper’s PayPal account. In the Payment Capture Action options, this is called Order Placed. This may be used, for example, in instances where you are selling digital downloads.

    If this option is used, an order cannot be amended.

  • Authorization only, awaiting shipment of the product. In the Payment Capture Action options, this is called Order Shipped. In this case, the funds are not captured from the shopper’s PayPal account until the order is fulfilled. The system does not immediately transfer funds to your account but places a hold on the funds in the shopper’s PayPal account. This capture is completed outside of the Oracle Commerce environment. The shopper is able to amend his or her order if this option is selected and you allow order amendment.

When working with orders involving the Order Shipped PayPal payment option, consider the following:

  • If there is an amendment to the order that results in no change to the order amount (for example, a straight substitution of one item for another), no action is necessary as Oracle Commerce uses the previous authorization received from PayPal.
  • If there is an amendment that results in a decrease in the order amount, no action is taken on the previous authorization. The extra amount in the authorization lapses, and the reduced amount becomes the amount PayPal captures.
  • If there is an amendment that results in an increase in the order amount, the shopper is required to use a credit/debit card, gift card, or combination to resolve the difference. PayPal is also not involved as they have already authorized the original amount. The shopper is not expected to share his or her PayPal credentials with agent.
  • If there is a cancellation of the entire order, the PayPal authorization is voided and not allowed to lapse. Because no funds have been captured, there may be no fees assessed by PayPal.

In the case of the Order Placed option, if a refund is required, the Oracle Commerce system initiates a refund call to PayPal, because the payment has already been captured. PayPal completes the refund to the shopper’s account.

Note: In the case of refunds, depending upon your arrangement with PayPal, you may be charged a fee.

For more information, see Configure the PayPal integration in Using Oracle Commerce.