Access Node.js servers

Customer and partner developers do not have direct access to the Commerce Node.js servers. The storefront, admin, and agent server extension requests are routed to the Node.js servers, and the responses are sent back to the user.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

The custom server applications can be accessed using the following URL routes:

  • Storefront request route prefix: /ccstorex/custom/*
  • Admin request route prefix: /ccadminx/custom/*
  • Agent request route prefix: /ccagentx/custom/*
For example, if you develop a storefront endpoint with the route /v1/calculateShipping, it will be accessed at:

Note that the /v1 portion is recommended for versioning but not required. This matches the versioning scheme used for standard Commerce endpoints.

For an admin or agent endpoint, the route prefix includes ccadminx or ccagentx, and the URL includes the hostname and port for the administration server. Admin and agent endpoints require authentication using bearer tokens or user credentials, as described in REST API authentication.