Exclude items from shipping methods

Commerce allows you to exclude collections of items from a specific shipping method.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

For example, you might want to restrict certain products, such as oversized items, hazardous items, or furniture, to ground shipping only. When a shopper adds one of these items to his or her cart, the restricted shipping options are not displayed and so cannot be selected by the shopper.

If you have implemented the split shipping feature, only portions of the order that contain products that are excluded from certain shipping methods will not show those shipping methods. If other portions of the order do not include products that are excluded from shipping methods, all appropriate shipping methods are displayed. See Ship an Order to Multiple Addresses for more information about split shipping.

To exclude items from a shipping method, perform the following tasks:

  1. Create one or more non-navigable collections and add the products you want to exclude from shipping methods to them. See Create collections for the excluded items for more information.
  2. Update the shipping methods from which you want to exclude items with one or more of the collections you created in the previous step. See Update shipping methods for more information.