Export and import inventory data

It is common to import inventory data from external systems.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

Once you have set up your inventory, as outlined in Understand catalogs, you can import inventory data. The following section describes the fields and validation that occurs when exporting or importing inventory data.

Inventory export and import fields

The following fields are exported and imported for inventories:

Field Name Description
locationId The location of the inventory item.
skuNumber The ID of the SKU.
displayName The display name of the product.
stockLevel Indicates the number of products available for purchase.
stockThreshold The threshold of the stock level that triggers a warning event.
preorderLevel Indicates the number of preordered SKUs.
preorderThreshold The threshold at which the status of the SKU changes from preordered to out of stock.
backorderLevel Indicates the number of backordered SKUs.
backorderThreshold The threshold at which the status of the SKU changes from backordered to out of stock.
availabilityDate The date at which the SKU becomes available.
availabilityStatus The status of the SKU, for example, PREORDERED, BACKORDERED or OUT_OF_STOCK.
availableToPromise A collection of date/quality pairs that represent when and how much inventory can be promised.

Inventory validations

Additionally, the following validations are performed when importing inventories:

  • The skuNumber is a valid SKU ID.
  • The locationId is valid.
  • The required stockLevel is valid when creating the import, and should be a non-negative long number.
  • The stockThreshold is a non-negative long number.
  • The preorderLevel is a non-negative long number.
  • The preorderThreshold is a non-negative long number.
  • The backorderLevel is a non-negative long number.
  • The backorderThreshold is a non-negative long number.
  • The availabilityDate is a valid date.

For detailed information on working with inventories, refer to Understand catalogs.