Export and import profile data

Profiles contain information about shoppers, such as their name, phone number and email address.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

You can export or import profile data, which you may have configured in your environment as outlined in Import and Export Catalog Items and Inventory, allowing you to share the data with external systems. The following section describes the fields and validation that occurs when exporting or importing profile data.

Profile export and import fields

The following table displays the profile fields that can be exported and imported:

Field Description
firstName, lastName The name associated with the profile. This includes the first and last name, which are required during import.
email The email associated with the profile. This field is required when creating a new profile.
userSiteProperties This is a site level property that contains the receiveEmail flag property for the site. It indicates if the profile is configured to receive email. This defaults to false.
receiveEmail This is a user item level property that indicates if the profile is configured to receive email. This defaults to false.
registrationDate This optional field indicates the date that the profile was registered.
profileType The type of profile being exported or imported. If the profile type is b2b_user, the shipping and billing addresses are not imported. If the profile type is b2c_user, the organization is not imported.

The shipping addresses associated with the profile. There can be only one addressed denoted as the default shipping address. If phone numbers are provided in the shipping address, validation occurs to ensure they are in the correct format. Address type is an optional property, and the value is validated when provided against the setup values.

Note that phoneNumber, address1, city, state, country and postalCode are required for a shipping address. The postalCode field and city and state combination are validated.

locale This field, which is required when creating new profiles, indicates the locale associated with the profile. Validation occurs to ensure that the locale is valid.
roles The roles associated with the profile. Validation occurs to ensure that the role is available with one of the parent organizations.
dateOfBirth Date of birth associated with the profile. Validation occurs in the format you have chosen, either MM/dd/yy or DD/mm/YY.
shippingAddress, billingAddress

Export only. The contact information for the profile. Address type is an optional property, and the value is validated when provided against the setup values.

Note that phoneNumber, address1, city, state, country and postalCode are required for a shipping address. The postalCode field and city and state combination are validated.


Export only. The organization associated with the profile. The organization ID is used to associate the profile with the organization.

Note: The parentOrganization can be updated during the bulk import process for account-based commerce profiles.

Price lists (including the list and sales prices, as well as shippingSurcharge) Export only. This read-only field indicates the price lists associated with the profile.
Price list groups Export only. This read-only field indicates the price list groups associated with the profile.

Note that the following audience-based profile properties are read only:

  • lifetimeSpend
  • lifetimeAOV
  • numberOfOrders
  • lastPurchaseAmount
  • firstPurchaseDate
  • lastPurchaseDate
  • lastVisitDate
  • previousVisitDate

For audience-based information, see Define Audiences.

Profile validations

The following validations are performed when importing profiles:

  • The buyer role of a profile, which is the default role, must be present.
  • If the profile type is b2b_user, the shipping and billing addresses are not included. If the profile type is b2c_user, the parent organization is not included.
  • The login field defaults to the profile’s email address.
  • When creating an initial import file, the email, locale, firstName and lastName contain valid values.
  • The receiveEmail flag is disabled by default.
  • All phone numbers are in the correct format.
  • All addresses contain a phoneNumber, address1, city, state, country and postalCode.
  • The country and state combination is valid.
  • The site properties have been set. This is the userSiteProperties that contains the receiveEmail property.

Profile approver role validations during import

When profiles are configured as approvers, specific validations occur:

If a profile is the last active approver in the organization and approval is required, or the organization has at least one order that is either in the pending_approval or the pending_approval_template state, the following modifications cannot be made:

  • The profile approver role cannot be removed from the profile.
  • The profile’s active status cannot be removed.
  • The parent organization of a profile cannot be modified.

Bulk profile import with the GDPR

If you are importing profiles and want to set the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) consent values, ensure that you have the shopper’s consent, which may have been given on the system from which you are exporting profiles. You should also set the consent date in the import file to the consent date that was recorded on the other system.

Note: If you do not have an explicit consent from the shopper, it is best that you do not set the consent fields during a bulk profile import. For detailed information on working with the GDPR, refer to the Manage the use of personal data section.

Create a new password during import

You can generate new passwords when importing profiles. When the import occurs, a token is triggered for the profile. When the shopper selects the token link, the system navigates the shopper to the change password page, where they have the option to provide their user name, and create a new password. The token is a one-time password that expires within a time frame that you configure. Generating a new token does not clear a shopper’s existing password.

To allow a shopper to request a new password, use the emailTemplate parameter in the request. This provides the name of the email template used during the creation of new profiles, for example, shopper_acc_reg_v1. If an email template is not provided, email will not be sent.

The following is a sample profile import with a new password request:

  "fileName": "profile.zip",
  "items": [
      "id": "bulkProfileHandler",
      "format": "json",
      "params": {
        "emailTemplate": "shopper_acc_reg_v1"

Understand triggering emails during import in a multiple site environment

When working in a multiple site environment, an email is triggered during import that contains all of the sites related to the profile. Note that up to five sites are listed per profile. Additionally, account changes, role updates, approval information, and password information is also included in the email, if applicable. All event information is displayed in a table that identifies the changes that occurred.

When you add a profile to an organization, an email with the name of previous organizations and roles, if any, are added.

Note: Email template settings are copied from the default site. They can be disabled and updated as needed.

Trigger webhook during import

When a new profile is created or an existing profile is updated during an import, a webhook can be triggered with the profile information. The production-registerProfile webhook is triggered when a profile is created. The production-updateProfile webhook is triggered when the profile is updated.

To trigger the webhook during import, you need to set the triggerWebHook parameter in the request to true. For example:

  "fileName": "profileImport.json",
  "id": "Profiles",
  "format": "json",
  "mode": "standalone",
  "params": {
    "triggerWebHook": "true"

Contact email triggers with deactivated contact

While performing an import, if a contact is deactivated, an email is triggered that notifies the contact of the new status. To trigger emails during the import, set the specific email template as a parameter in the request payload. The following example shows how you would identify using a profileDeactivatedEmail template:
  "fileName": "profileImport.json",
  "id": "Profiles",
  "format": "json",
  "mode": "standalone",
  "params": {

Contact email triggers when organization list changes

While performing an import, if a parent organization or secondary organization list is modified or deleted, an email is triggered, notifying the contact of the change. However, the email is only sent if the contact is active and is a member of an organization of at least one active account, or is an account that has an assigned contract. To trigger emails during the import, set the specific email template as a parameter in the request payload.

The following example shows how you would identify using an organizationChangeEmailTemplate template:

  "fileName": "profileImport.json",
  "id": "Profiles",
  "format": "json",
  "mode": "standalone",
  "params": {