Notify a contact of multiple account or role changes in a single email

If your store supports account-based commerce, you can configure Commerce to send emails notifying contacts of changes to their account and role assignments. When you make several account or role changes for a contact at the same time, Commerce can notify the contact of those changes in a single email.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

To take advantage of this feature, you must use the most recent version of the Account Assignment Changed and Role Assignment Changed email templates as described in Download and edit email templates. When you are using the most recent version of these templates, Commerce automatically includes multiple account or role assignment changes in a single email. If you use older versions of the templates, Commerce will send a separate email each time you save an account or role assignment change.

The consolidated email notification displays account or role assignment changes made in a single endpoint call. In the administration interface, this usually means changes made before you clicked the Save button. Some actions (such as changing a parent organization, assigning a sub account as a parent, or removing both parent and sub account associations at the same time) result in multiple endpoint calls, however. In this case, the contact will still receive multiple emails, one for each endpoint call.