Supported payment methods and transaction types

Creating a gateway integration using the Generic Payment webhook is similar to creating an integration using the Credit Card Payment webhook. However, the Generic Payment webhook supports a wider range of options in order to handle a variety of payment methods.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

The following table summarizes the available payment methods and the transaction types they support. Note that in addition to the methods listed here for the Generic Payment webhook, Commerce supports loyalty point payments using the Custom Currency webhook.

Payment Method Supported Transaction Types

authorization – approve payment for an order

void -- cancel an order or a payment

refund -- issue a credit to the shopper after a return


initiate -- create an order to be completed later

cancel -- cancel an order or a payment


initiate -- create an order to be completed later

retrieve -- return an initiated order to complete it

authorization -- approve payment for an order

void -- cancel an order or a payment

refund -- issue a credit to the shopper after a return


balanceInquiry -- return current available balance

authorize -- approve payment for an order

void -- cancel an order or a payment

refund -- issue a credit to the shopper after a return

invoice authorization -- approve payment for an order

balanceInquiry -- return current available balance

authorize -- approve payment for an order

void -- cancel an order or a payment

refund -- issue a credit to the shopper after a return

The payment and transaction types are specified in the gateway.json file. For example:

  "provider": "Sample Payment Gateway",
  "paymentMethodTypes": ["physicalGiftCard", "cash"],
  "transactionTypes": {
    "physicalGiftCard": ["balanceInquiry", "authorize", "void", "refund"],
    "cash": ["initiate", "cancel"]

User interface configuration controls that appear in the Payment Processing page of the administration interface are specified in the config.json file. For example:

  "configType": "payment",
  "titleResourceId": "title",
  "descriptionResourceId": "description",
  "instances" : [
      "id": "agent",
      "instanceName": "agent",
      "labelResourceId": "agentInstanceLabel"
      "id": "preview",
      "instanceName": "preview",
      "labelResourceId": "previewInstanceLabel"
      "id": "storefront",
      "instanceName": "storefront",
      "labelResourceId": "storefrontInstanceLabel"
  "properties": [
      "id": "paymentMethodTypes",
      "type": "multiSelectOptionType",
      "name": "paymentMethodTypes",
      "required": false,
      "helpTextResourceId": "paymentMethodsHelpText",
      "labelResourceId": "paymentMethodsLabel",
      "defaultValue": "physicalGiftCard",
      "displayAsCheckboxes": true,
      "public": true,
      "options": [
           "id": "cash",
           "value": "cash",
           "labelResourceId": "cashPayLabel"
           "id": "physicalGiftCard",
           "value": "physicalGiftCard",
           "labelResourceId": "physicalGiftCardPayLabel"
      "id": "includeOrderInWebhookPayload",
      "type": "booleanType",
      "name": "includeOrderInWebhookPayload",
      "helpTextResourceId": "includeOrderHelpText",
      "labelResourceId": "includeOrderLabel",
      "defaultValue": true,
      "public": true

Notice that in this example the type attribute of the paymentMethodTypes property is set to multiSelectOptionType, which means that multiple methods can be selected (for example, physicalGiftCard and cash). By default the control created for selecting the methods is a drop-down list, but setting displayAsCheckboxes to true specifies that a set of checkboxes should be used instead.

The includeOrderInWebhookPayload property creates a checkbox for specifying whether or not to include the order data in the webhook call.