Access the Sales reports

The Sales reports display information relating to orders, products, promotions, collections, and accounts.

You can access any of the Sales reports by clicking the Sales tab and choosing one of the following sub-options: Orders, Products, Promotions, Collections, Accounts, or Accounts Hierarchy.

  • Sales Orders report - displays information relating to orders that have been submitted to your web store.
  • Sales Products report - displays information relating to orders that have been submitted to your web store broken down by product.
  • Sales Promotions report - displays information relating to orders that have been submitted to your web store broken down by their associated promotion.
  • Sales Collections report - displays information relating to orders that have been submitted to your web store broken down by products that have been grouped into collections (a product can be included in more than one collection).
  • Sales Accounts report - displays information related to a specific account that has been created and can be filtered via the account name or account ID. Note: this report is visible only if accounts have been set up.
  • Sales Accounts Hierarchy report – displays information related to parent/child accounts and can be filtered by either the parent/child accounts, or the child account only. Note: this report is visible only if accounts have been set up.