Apply global report filters

Reports can be filtered and applied across several of the reports automatically.

You can select your filter preferences from a group of global filters for the Home page, Audience report, and all Sales reports, as outlined below. Upon selection, the filters are automatically applied to the reports.

Content Language

When more than one language is available as your content language, you can select your preference from a global filter list. However, this differs for the Sales reports, as the language filter is available within the Filters area.

Transaction Currency

Select your preferred report currency. Note: Loyalty points can be chosen as your preferred currency if you have set up a points-based currency.

Price Group

A price group is a set of price lists (list price, sale price, and shipping surcharge), in a specific currency, for the products, SKUs, and shipping surcharges in a catalog.

This filter is not available for the Home page.


Note: The Sites filter can be selected from a list when running multiple sites from your Oracle Commerce instance. You should note that reporting data is provided on an individual site basis.

When running multiple sites from your Oracle Commerce instance, note that reporting data can be provided on an individual site basis.

Begin typing the site name and select from the list of sites provided. You can also choose to filter by site IDs.


Select your preferred audience, or customer set, from the drop down list of audience groups available to your store.

This filter is not available for the Home page.


Select the timeframe for the reporting period in which you are most interested by choosing from the pre-defined timeframes which are Yesterday, 7 days, Last Week, 30 days, or 90 days.

See Appendix II: Understand Report Timeframes for more details.