Update the quoted order



Updates the order in a quoted state for the given ID in the path. It allows for both the updating of shipping details and reassignment of commerce items for the shipping groups in the quoted order. When patching the shipping groups in the quoted order, if no ID property is specified for shipping details properties, a new shipping group will be created.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • Current organization context of the logged in user
  • ID provided by the Oracle Commerce Visit Service to uniquely identify the current visitor. It is required for every request to enable full endpoint capabilities for all shopper types.
Body ()
Root Schema : updateQuotedOrder_request
Type: object
Show Source
                "country":"United States",
                "address3":"3 The Street",
                "address2":"2 The Street",
                "address1":"1 The Street",
                "companyTitle":"Company Title",
                "suffix":"The Suffix",
Nested Schema : shippingGroups
Type: array
The shipping groups to be modified for the quoted order
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : relationships
Type: array
The relationships for a given shipping group
Show Source
Nested Schema : shippingAddress
Type: object
The shipping address.
Show Source
Nested Schema : shippingMethod
Type: object
The shipping method to be modified
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • The ID of the Commerce Item in the relationship to be modified
  • The quantity of the Commerce Item to be applied to the relationship. If a quantity of 0 is provided this will remove the relationship. If a quantity of -1 is provided this will create a remaining relationship that any unallocated quantities will be added to.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The model being returned when the PATCH operation succeeds. It contains an Order representation and the quote details.
Body ()
Root Schema : model_QuotedOrder
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : dynamicProperties
Type: array
Read-only list of dynamic properties for the order along with meta-data.
Show Source
Nested Schema : giftWithPurchaseInfo
Type: array
The gift information.
Show Source
Nested Schema : giftWithPurchaseOrderMarkers
Type: array
giftWithPurchaseOrderMarker information.
Show Source
Nested Schema : payments
Type: array
Payment details for the order, including additional properties specific to the payment type.
Show Source
Nested Schema : priceListGroup
Type: object
The price list group object.
Show Source
Nested Schema : quoteInfo
Type: object
Information for the quote
Show Source
Nested Schema : shippingGroups
Type: object
The shipping groups in the order.
Show Source
Nested Schema : shippingMethod
Type: object
Shipping Method information of the order.
Show Source
Nested Schema : shoppingCart
Type: object
Shopping cart information.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • The ID of the dynamic property.
    Example: giftWrapMessage123
  • The label of the dynamic property.
    Example: Gift Wrap Message123
  • The value of the dynamic property. The value type depends on how the dynamic property was defined and might be something other than string, such as boolean or number.
    Example: newGSMessage45600
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • The quantity of free sku for this gift selection that has already been auto added to the order.
    Example: 0
  • Flag to indicate whether free gifts should be auto removed if the promotion no longer qualifies.
    Example: true
  • Identifier to track which gift selection in the promotion this is. It allows the commerce item marker to link to this one.
    Example: -24564678912
  • The amount of automatic free quantity that failed to be added to the cart due to some pricing error, e.g. invalid site.
    Example: 0
  • String identifying the free gift, usually the repository ID of the gift type.
    Example: Product_6Dxyi
  • The type of the gift. (sku, product)
    Example: product
  • atg.gwp
    Example: atg.gwp
  • The total quantity of sku for this gift selection.
    Example: 1
  • The amount of free quantity that has since been manually removed by a Shopper.
    Example: 1
  • The quantity of free sku for this gift selection that has already been selected by the Shopper and added to the order.
    Example: 0
  • The quantity of free sku for this gift selection that has already been targeted and made free by the calculator in the order.
  • The gift with purchase promotion ID
    Example: promo40001
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : currency
Type: object
The currency object.
Show Source
Nested Schema : shippingSurchargePriceList
Type: object
Shipping Surcharge PriceList object.
Show Source
  • Repository ID of the shipping surcharge price list.
    Example: shippingSurchargePrices
Nested Schema : notes
Type: array
notes for the quote
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : discountInfo
Type: object
Discount Information
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
The array of products in the shipping group.
Show Source
Nested Schema : priceInfo
Type: object
Price information of the order.
Show Source
Nested Schema : shippingAddress
Type: object
The shipping address details.
Show Source
Nested Schema : shippingMethod
Type: object
The shipping method details for the order.
Show Source
Nested Schema : discountDescList
Type: array
The list of all the order discounts.
Show Source
Nested Schema : orderImplicitDiscountList
Type: array
Implicit Promotions for the order
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : dynamicProperties
Type: array
Array of custom properties at order line item level.
Show Source
Nested Schema : skuProperties
Type: array
Sku properties Information
Show Source
Nested Schema : variant
Type: array
List of variants for the product.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • The ID of the dynamic property.
    Example: dynamicPropertyMode
  • The label of the dynamic property.
    Example: Mode
  • The value of the dynamic property. The value type depends on how the dynamic property was defined and might be something other than string, such as boolean or number.
    Example: pickup
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • ID of the Dynamic SKU Property.
    Example: upcCode
  • Name of the Dynamic SKU Property.
    Example: UPC Code
  • Type that indicates whether it is a base or a custom SKU property,
    Example: sku-base
  • Value of the Dynamic SKU Property.
    Example: 12345
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Items in the cart.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : childSkus
Type: array
An array with single primary image url for this item's sku, or its sku default image url.
Show Source
Nested Schema : dynamicProperties
Type: array
Array of custom properties at order line item level.
Show Source
Nested Schema : externalData
Type: array
External data to be associated with a commerce item, provided by a configurator system.
Show Source
Nested Schema : giftWithPurchaseCommerceItemMarkers
Type: array
giftWithPurchaseCommerceItemMarker information.
Show Source
Nested Schema : shopperInput
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Map of shopper input keys to values
Nested Schema : skuProperties
Type: array
Sku properties Information
Show Source
Nested Schema : variant
Type: array
List of variants for the product.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • The ID of the dynamic property.
    Example: giftWrapMessage123
  • The label of the dynamic property.
    Example: Gift Wrap Message123
  • The value of the dynamic property. The value type depends on how the dynamic property was defined and might be something other than string, such as boolean or number.
    Example: newGSMessage45600
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : values
Type: object
The array of values associated with an externalData item.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • The quantity of the free gift that this commerce item is making free and was auto added by pricing.
    Example: 0
  • The gift hash code for this gift with purchase promotion.
    Example: -123345466
  • atg.gwp
    Example: atg.gwp
  • The quantity of the commerce item that is not affected by gift with purchase.
    Example: 0
  • The quantity of the free gift that this commerce item is making free and was selected by the shopper.
    Example: 0
  • The quantity of the free gift that this commerce item is making free and was targeted by pricing.
    Example: 0
  • The gift with purchase promotion ID.
    Example: promo10002
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • ID of the Dynamic SKU Property.
    Example: displayName
  • Name of the Dynamic SKU Property.
    Example: name
  • Type that indicates whether it is a base or a custom SKU property,
    Example: sku-base
  • Value of the Dynamic SKU Property.
    Example: Sku_18Cxi
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

The following are the internal error codes thrown by this API when the request processing fails in Oracle Commerce Cloud:
Error CodeDescriptionPossible Fix
28088Invalid shipping method.Ensure valid shipping method specified.
28107Order not found.Enter a valid order ID
28125Order submit error.See error message for more guidance.
28301Error pricing order.See error message for additional guidance.
28315Error updating the order.See error message for additional guidance.
29005Error while updating payment information..

The error response:
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModelSingleError
Type: object
Show Source

Default Response

The following are the internal error codes thrown by this API when the request processing fails in Oracle Commerce Cloud:
Error CodeDescriptionPossible Fix
28088Invalid shipping method.Ensure valid shipping method specified.
28107Order not found.Enter a valid order ID
28125Order submit error.See error message for more guidance.
28301Error pricing order.See error message for additional guidance.
28315Error updating the order.See error message for additional guidance.
29005Error while updating payment information..

The error response:
Body ()
Root Schema : errorModelMultiErrors
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
An optional list of errors if multiple errors were encountered
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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