Configure page layouts for account hierarchies

Account hierarchy allows you to configure your storefront so that changes that you make to one account can be seen by other accounts.

This section applies to Storefront Classic only. This section applies to Storefront Classic only.

Oracle recommends that you clone the out-of-the-box layouts and then make your changes to the clones. If your site only supports account-based shoppers, you can mark the clones as the defaults and make the account hierarchy changes to those pages. If your site must support both account-based shoppers and other, non-account affiliated shoppers, then you will need two versions of the pages, one marked as default for the non-account affiliated shoppers and the other marked as “Display layout to account shoppers only” for the account-based shoppers. In this scenario, you would make the account hierarchy changes to the pages designed for the account-based shoppers.

See Configure Business Accounts to learn how to create an account hierarchy and assign contacts to multiple accounts.

The modifications described in the sections below involve making sure you are using the correct version of some of the out-of-the-box widgets. A widget’s About tab, accessed by viewing a widget’s settings, tells you which version you are using. To replace a widget with the latest version, see Upgrade deployed widgets.

Header widget for account hierarchies

Make sure you are using version 6 or later of the Header widget on all pages that use it. Also, make sure the Contact Login (for Managed Accounts) element is included in your Header widget instance. This element provides a picker that allows an account-based shopper to switch to any active account he belongs to.

Checkout layout for account hierarchies

On the Checkout layout, make sure you are using version 3 or later of the Managed Account Address Book widget. This version allows the account-based shopper to view default, local, and inherited account-level addresses when specifying the billing and shipping address for the order.

Profile layout for account hierarchies

On the Profile layout, make sure you are using the correct versions of the following:

  • Account Addresses widget (version 3 or later). This version allows the delegated administrator to view an account’s default, local, and inherited addresses.
  • Account Contacts widget (version 3 or later). This version does the following:
    • Informs the delegated administrator if a contact belongs to multiple accounts.
    • Prevents the delegated administrator from deactivating a contact if the contact belongs to multiple accounts.
    • Limits the delegated administrator to removing a contact from the current account only.

The Account Addresses and Account Contacts widgets are described in Add delegated administration to your storefront.

Order Details and Scheduled Order layouts for account hierarchies

On the Order Details layout, make sure you are using one of the following:

  • Version 6 or later of the Order Details widget, or
  • Version 4 or later of the Order Details with Additional Info widget

These versions prompt the shopper to switch accounts if she attempts to view details for an order that was placed under an account other than the one she is currently logged into.

For the same reason, make sure you are using version 3 or later of the Scheduled Order widget on the Scheduled Order layout if your storefront includes the scheduled orders feature. See Create Scheduled Orders for more information.