Create a shipping discount promotion

A shipping discount promotion offers free or discounted shipping via shipping methods you associate with the promotion.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

Shipping discount promotions can discount both internally-priced and externally-priced shipping methods. Shipping discount promotions you create with templates on the Promotions page apply the shipping discount to an entire order. To apply a shipping discount to an individual shipping group within an order, you must create a custom promotion with the Commerce Admin API.

Note: Shipping surcharges are not affected by shipping promotions and are added to the order total during checkout. See Manage Your Catalog and Configure Shipping for more information about shipping methods and shipping surcharges.

You can create the following types of shipping discounts:

  • Get Shipping Discount discounts shipping for all orders with no required buy condition
  • Spend Y Get Shipping Discount discounts shipping when the shopper spends at least a specified amount.
  • Spend Y in X Get Shipping Discount discounts shipping when the shopper spends at least a specified amount in specified product areas. For example, Spend $50 in Back-to-School Fashions, Get Free Shipping On Your Entire Order.
  • Buy X Get Shipping Discount discounts shipping when the shopper purchases specified items.

To create a new shipping discount promotion:

  1. On the Promotions page, click New Promotion and select Get Shipping Discount, Spend Y Get Shipping Discount, Spend Y in X Get Shipping Discount, or Buy X Get Shipping Discount.
  2. Enter the name, description, and price groups for the promotion. See Enter general promotion information for details about each field.
  3. Enter condition and offer details for the promotion. See Enter condition and offer information for details about each field. See Sample buy one get one promotion for an example that explains how different condition and offer settings can affect the discount.

    Note: Get Shipping Discount does not require a buy condition.

  4. On the promotion’s Availability tab, define the promotion’s lifecycle and enter information that determines when the promotion is active and usable. SeeEnter promotion availability information for details about each field.
  5. (Optional) On the promotion’s Exclusion Rules tab, specify promotions that cannot be combined with this one. See Exclude promotions for more information.
  6. Click Save.
  7. (Optional) Create a coupon code that customers must provide to redeem the promotion. See Add a coupon code to a promotion for more information.