Display volume pricing in a storefront

In order to display volume pricing in a storefront, you must use the set of widgets and elements that are volume-pricing enabled.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

This section describes those widgets and elements and the layouts that use them. Note that Oracle recommends that you create clones of the out-of-the-box layouts and modify them to add volume pricing. This keeps the out-of-the-box layouts in their original form and available for future cloning and modification.

To add volume pricing to the Product Layout:

  1. On the Design page, clone the Product Layout, give it a descriptive name, enable the Make Default Layout option, and save the clone.
  2. Go to Grid View for the layout and modify the Product Details widget to include the Volume Price element. This adds a table similar to the following to the layout, which displays the volume pricing using columns for quantity and price and rows for each level of pricing:

    grid view

To add volume pricing to the Order Details Layout:

  1. On the Design page, clone the layout, give it a descriptive name, enable the Make Default Layout option, and save the clone.
  2. Go to Grid View for the layout, remove the instance of the Order Details widget and replace it with an instance of the Order Details with Additional Info widget.

To add volume pricing to the Order Confirmation Layout:

  1. On the Design page, clone the layout, give it a descriptive name, enable the Make Default Layout option, and save the clone.
  2. Go to Grid View for the layout, remove the instance of the Order Details widget, and replace it with an instance of the Order Details with Additional Info widget.

To add volume pricing to the Cart Layout and Cart Layout with Shipping layouts, you must upgrade the Shopping Cart widget used on those layouts to the latest version. If you have not modified the Shopping Cart widget, this is a simple matter of removing the existing instance of the widget and replacing it with the latest version. If you have modified the Shopping Cart widget, see Upgrade deployed widgets for details on upgrading an already deployed widget in Commerce.