About keyboard shortcuts

Commerce supports standard keyboard shortcuts that are used in many software applications.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

In addition, the service provides its own shortcuts, which are described in this section.

Navigate the UI

The following table describes keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate the Commerce administration interface.

Keyboard Shortcut Result
Ctrl+` Opens the main menu.

Navigates to the next focusable element.

Note: Use the right and left arrow keys to navigate among the Home, Preview, Language, and User icons that appear at the top right of every page in the administration interface.

Shift+Tab Navigates to the previous focusable element.

Note: For keyboard users navigating the administration interface in Firefox on a Mac, tabbing to the Forgot Password? link on the login screen does not work as expected. To fix this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Select System Preferences on the Mac.
  2. Select Keyboard and display the Shortcuts tab.
  3. Select the All Controls option.

Select items

The following table describes the keyboard shortcuts you can use to select navigable items. You can then move the selected items. For example, you might want to select several items to move to a different collection.

Keyboard Shortcut Result

Selects the item that has focus.

To deselect a selected item, press Space again.

‘t’ + ‘w’ Opens the component library within the design layout’s Grid View.

Move and act on selected items

The following table describes the keyboard shortcuts you can use to act on selected items.

Keyboard Shortcut Result
Down Arrow Moves selected items down in a list or grid.
Up Arrow Moves selected items up in a list or grid.
Left Arrow Moves selected items to the left.
Right Arrow Moves selected items to the right.
Enter Triggers the associated action when the focus is on a link, image, or button.

Closes the dialog that has focus.

Discards unsaved changes.

Work with rich text fields

Some text editing fields in Commerce, for example the text fields for content-type widgets such as the About Us Web Content widget, use a third-party editing tool, CKEditor. These fields have their own set of keyboard shortcuts. For information, refer to the CKEditor documentation.