Manage inventory

By default, Commerce maintains one set of inventory values for each SKU.

This section applies to both OSF and Storefront Classic. This section applies to Open Storefront Framework (OSF) and Storefront Classic.

This section describes how to view and update the inventory and stock threshold for each product and SKU in your catalogs. Additionally, you can use the Commerce Admin API to perform the following inventory tasks:

Important: The inventory list includes both published and unpublished products. You do not have to publish inventory changes. Changes you make to inventory for published products are immediately visible on your store. Changes you make to inventory for new (unpublished) products will appear on your store with the rest of the product information the next time you publish changes.

To add or update inventory:

  1. On the Catalog page, click Manage Catalogs, then select Inventory.

    The Inventory page is empty until you search for products or SKUs.

  2. In the search box, type or paste full or partial product names, SKU IDs, or both.
    • Separate multiple entries with commas.
    • You can mix names and IDs in the same search.
    • The search will not start if you enter just a comma, even if your catalog includes products whose names include commas.
    • There is a limit of 1000 characters and 200 search terms, whichever comes first. If there are more than 200 search terms, all terms past 200 are ignored. If there are duplicate IDs, any ID past the first is ignored.

    Commerce displays the following inventory details for each product or SKU:

    • Inventory count: The number of items that are physically in stock.
    • Stock threshold: A value you specify that indicates when an item should display as out-of-stock on your storefront. An item is considered out-of-stock when the inventory count is less than or equal to the stock threshold value.
    • Status: Icons that specify if a SKU or product is out-of-stock or if a product includes some SKUs that are out-of-stock.
  3. Double-click the SKU's inventory count and enter a new value. You must enter an integer.

    Press Enter to save the new value and move to the inventory count of the next SKU in the list. You can also click somewhere else on the page to save the new value without moving to the next SKU.

  4. (Optional) Double-click the SKU's stock threshold and enter a new value. You must enter an integer.

    Press Enter to save the new value and move to the stock threshold of the next SKU in the list. You can also click somewhere else on the page to save the new value without moving to the next SKU.

Note: You can quickly make a number of inventory changes at once by importing them. For more information, see Import and Export Catalog Items and Inventory.

Customize inventory status messaging

You can view and update the inventory status message that displays to your shoppers. The messaging displayed to shoppers is configurable , as follows:

  1. Open the Design page and click the Layout tab.
  2. Open the Product layout and click the Grid View option.
  3. Locate the Product Details widget and open the Settings icon, visible on the top right corner of each widget.
  4. Click the Layout option to display the elements and select Inventory Status.

    You can now see the Product Details widget inventory status tabs, allowing you to customize the messaging displayed for each of the different statuses:

    • In Stock
    • Out of Stock
    • PreOrder
    • BackOrder
  5. Add your message to the relevant inventory status.
  6. Customize the message settings, and preview.
  7. Click Done to save your configurations, and Save to exit the widget settings.