Submit new account registration information as a business shopper

Prospective account-based shoppers can submit a new account registration request using the store.

This section applies to Storefront Classic only. This section applies to Storefront Classic only.

This feature lets a shopper submit a new account registration request for a new account by providing required business details.

If account-based shoppers is enabled, the shopper who wants to submit a new account registration request clicks on the Register For An Account link found at the bottom of the Login dialog box. A form dialog box is presented where they provide their name, address, phone number, and some notes to accompany their request if needed.

Note: When the API is used to submit a new registration request with multiple addresses, each address must have a unique nickname. If multiple addresses are submitted with the same nickname, only one is saved. The same is true when the API is used to create an account with multiple addresses.

They must also provide a Company Name and Name Of A Related Existing Account (if needed). Company Name is the name of the company for which the shopper is a business-to-business buyer. They are not registering as a regular consumer shopper. The company name will be pre-populated into the Account Name in the General tab (see below) of the registration request that the administrator sees. The Related Existing Account field is a piece of information provided by a prospective company buyer if, for example, they want to be a buyer who wants to register a new account for the Southern Division of a larger account that already exists. This is where they would indicate the name of the larger account that already exists. This field is optional.

After this information is entered correctly, the shopper requesting the account clicks Submit to begin the account request approval process. They receive a Thank You message that acknowledges that their request has been submitted and that they may be contacted if more information is needed. The shopper can also click Cancel to cancel the process.

Once an account request has been submitted, the administrator can go to the Registration Requests area on the Accounts area and view, update, accept, and reject account registration requests. Anyone with the administrator and/or account manager Role can view, update, accept, and reject registration requests.