Submit new contact registration information

Existing account-based shoppers (contacts) or registered non-account-based shoppers submit a new contact registration request using the store.

This section applies to Storefront Classic only. This section applies to Storefront Classic only.

This feature lets the shopper submit a new contact registration request by providing required business details through the store user interface.

To submit a new contact registration request using the store, do the following

  • Login and a Register user interface will appear
  • Select Join an existing business account
  • Enter the following information in the Register user interface:
    • First name of contact
    • Last name of contact
    • Email address of contact
    • Account ID
    • Any comments to be added to the request (entered in the Note field)
  • Click Submit to submit the request or click Cancel if you wish to cancel the request.

Once a contact request has been submitted, the administrator can go to the Registration Requests area in the Accounts area and view, update, accept, and reject contact registration requests. A business user with Administrator or Account Manager role can view, update, accept, and reject registration requests in the Accounts area. A Delegated Administrator can perform the same functions using the Contact Registration Requests widget on the Storefront.